Are you trying to discover the ideal teen speaker for your upcoming assembly?
These 4 tips will help you make the right choice for the best possible speaker for your next event or assembly.
Excellent youth speakers create an extraordinary impression; they inspire, entertain, and help youth to move in an overwhelmingly positive direction. The wrong speaker could bore an audience and that can reflect poorly on your conference and your group.
Motivational youth speakers require a really specific set of skills. First, your speaker ought to be dynamic and entertaining. Next, your speaker should be capable to relate to your teens. Without this critical element, the ‘entertaining’ element can simply look cheesy. You’ve got to find somebody who is genuine. That generally comes across when you have a speaker who reveals something concerning their life that young people can identify with.
Here are some ideas on how to bring in the very best teen speaker for your school!
Teen Motivational Speaker Search Tip #1: Ask for Referrals
The proof is in the pudding. So, instead of looking at a highlights video of a few minutes, ask someone who has actually had the speaker to speak at their event. That is going to do two things: first, you’re going to get an honest idea of what the speaker is like to work with. After all, you’re talking with someone who has booked them before, right? The next benefit is that it will separate those who have actually spoken to groups in the past with those who are attempting to sell you on themselves as a pro when they’re actually inexperienced. You’ll easily be able to sort out the players from the fakers with this tip.
Youth Motivational Speaker Search Tip #2: Chat With The Speaker
Here’s the key question to ask when you are speaking with a speaker on the phone: “What can you do to make our assembly a enormous success?”
After that, be sure you be quiet and pay attention to how they answer!
It’s kind of a trick question. What you’d ideally hear them say is something along the lines of “I’m not sure. I want to know about your conference and what you need to accomplish. Once I know that, I’d be happy to tell you how I see what I do fits in with the entire program.”
See, quite a few speakers will bring their own agenda. These folks want to do things their way. Don’t let them do it! You are putting on an assembly, and unless they’re going to assist you do that, you don’t want ’em anywhere close!
Youth Motivational Speaker Search Tip #3: Know Your End Result
With that being said, it is crucial to figure out what your ambitions for your conference are. Are you holding a conference to educate leadership skills? If so, get a speaker that specializes in the subject. Do you need your audience to deal with hardships in school, friends, and life success strategies in general? Then look for a speaker who has applicable experiences that can provide insight on such topics.
Teen Inspirational Speaker Search Tip #4: View Full-Length Videos
Anybody can put together a few highlight movies where they seem funny and motivational. That’s all good and well, but what happens once they’ve got 60 minutes in front of your audience? How will they hold your group’s attention and how will they last once they don’t have video and audio effects to enhance their speech?
If you don’t see full-length, uncut videos of the speaker’s performance, you’ll in no way know! Therefore, ask to see a video of their speech and you’ll almost certainly see really rapidly who you do (and don’t!) want to have at your teen motivational conference!
If you’re looking for a youth inspirational speaker with a solid history of successful events and a wildly entertaining message of success and leadership, consider hiring teen motivational speaker John Beede to your next event.
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