A successful leadership program connects youth to positive role models. This article reveals five practical ways for you to do so. They guarantee a win-win for youth and adults.
5 Ways
1. Speakers
In addition to bringing a wealth of knowledge in their areas of expertise, guest speakers expose youth to different career opportunities. When speakers are brought into the classroom, encourage the students to ask questions. In fact, instruct them to prepare questions before the session. Do not forget to recruit dynamic youth speakers. What could be more motivating than seeing other teens and young adults who are making a difference?
2. Facilitators
Invest quality time in recruiting the right facilitators to lead group sessions. In many instances, the facilitators spend more time with the participants than anyone else associated with the program. Therefore, it is essential that they are positive role models. Establish a list of criteria, and conduct background checks. Do not risk destroying the reputation of the program by cutting corners and hiring shady people.
3. Mentors
Does your leadership program have a mentoring component? Consider asking professionals to serve as mentors to teens. Explore the career interests of the participants, and pair them with professionals in those areas. The mentoring experience can be short or long term. Nevertheless, follow up and regular contact with the students and mentors is imperative.
4. Internships
Aside from gaining valuable experience, internships connect youth with role models. Arrange internships with leaders in business, the nonprofit sector, and government. Work with the sponsoring organizations to plan interesting projects, so youth will have options. Allow some flexibility; internships can occur during the school year and during the summer. Equally important, make sure the company representative has the time and a sincere interest.
5. Informational Interviews
This strategy kills three birds with one stone. Teens enhance communication skills by conducting interviews and research, teens connect with professionals, and teens learn about different careers.
As previously stated, leadership training is an excellent opportunity to bring together youth with positive role models. This article presented five ideas to make it happen. Select the strategy that best meets the needs of your program. Motivate youth to be all that they can be.
Bonus Tip: You’re invited to visit http://www.squidoo.com/empoweryouthwithleadershiptraining to receive a FREE special report on the key components to youth leadership training programs. Stephanie Harbin, a motivational speaker and training specialist, has developed and presented a wide range of programs for business, government, educational institutions, and non-profits. Her focus is on leadership, strategy, training, career and personal development.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephanie_Harbin
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2210943
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