The key to delivering invigorating leadership training sessions is selecting and combining creative instructional methods. This list includes some that I have found to be quite effective, especially when working with youth. Blend a few, achieve your objectives, and leave a lasting impression.
The right movie gets the point across. First, select ones that relate to your subject; refrain from using movies with profanity and sexual content! Secondly, decide if you will show clips of the movie or the entire feature. Third, prepare stimulating discussion questions. Finally, plan related activities.
Visit the audiovisual department of your local library to find documentaries on leaders in politics, religion, business, and more. They are loaded with lessons on leadership. Documentaries reveal much about leadership styles, traits, and challenges.
Educational Videos
Like movies and documentaries, videos are great teaching tools. Choose videos that relate to your topic. Again, your local library has videos on leadership topics like character, responsibility, and respect.
Action Education
Community service and service learning projects give teenagers the opportunity to apply what they learn. They gain valuable hands-on experience.
Case Studies
A case study generates discussion, problem solving, and critical thinking. Be creative! Consider writing your own or allowing the participants to do so.
Take advantage of technology. Present some of your lessons using Power Point. Find educational software and online leadership training. Let the participants use the computer to prepare reports and conduct research.
Games make learning stick. Involve every student, and award prizes. Remember, competition inspires performance.
Guest Speakers
Recruit dynamic speakers to visit your class. Spend a session or two familiarizing the participants with the topic and the background of the guest speaker. Then, they can ask good questions.
Field Trips
Educational field trips provide a breath of fresh air. In addition, they familiarize youth with resources within the community.
Journal Writing
Journal writing offers the chance for reflection. Instruct participants to respond to thought provoking statements and questions related to the topic. Supply participants with journal writing supplies.
Small Group Projects
Find challenging small group projects that require teamwork, communications, problem solving, and critical thinking. Try to incorporate computers into the project.
Bonus Tip: You’re invited to visit to receive a FREE special report on the key components to youth leadership training programs. Stephanie Harbin, a motivational speaker and training specialist, has developed and presented a wide range of programs for business, government, educational institutions, and non-profits. Her focus is on leadership, strategy, training, career and personal development.
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